Call for Abstract
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now closed.
Thanks to those of you who have submitted abstracts.
Important Announcement
- All submissions must include a 320-word abstract and a 200-word statement on the novelty of your research written in English.
- All presenters must submit an electronic poster (CyPos) written in English by Feb 23, 2018.
- Submitted CyPos (electronic poster) will be open for viewing from March 30 to April 27, 2018 for registered participants of the JRC 2018.
Period for Abstract Submission
From September 1 at noon (JST) to October 27, 2017 at noon (JST)
This deadline applies only to abstract submissions from overseas participants. No further deadline extensions are possible.
For further information about abstract submission, please contact us by email.
Presentation Category
- This type of presentation includes both of the followings.
- Submission of an Electronic Poster (CyPos) by Feb 23, 2018, and 7-minute oral presentation followed by 3 minutes for a question and answer discussion in the conference room
- The room, date, and time for oral presentation will be notified in the email of acceptance. We encourage you to take full advantage of visual aids through the use of computer monitor projection.
- The JSRT program committee will decide whether to accept your presentation based on your abstract (max. 320 words), which must be submitted by Oct 27, 2017. All decisions are final.
- Withdrawal after January 24, 2018 or no-show to the conference in Yokohama is subject to penalty of acceptance for future meetings, and may not be published in the proceedings and the meeting program of the 74th annual meeting of the JSRT.
Submission Details
Please note the following.
The Latest Changes
- Change in the Period for Abstract Submission;
TThe online abstract submission will open September 1, 2017,
and will close at noon (JST), Oct 27, 2017. - Refurbishment of Presentation Categories;
See the Presentation Category for more details. - You cannot download the CyPos (electronic poster) file that you are browsing.
- Submitted CyPos will be open for viewing from March 31 to April 28, 2017 for registered participants of the JRC 2017.
- Submitted CyPos will be open for viewing from March 30 to April 27, 2018 for registered participants of the JRC 2018.
- Authors are required to disclose conflicts of interest prior to the submission of papers on subject matter of which a company, public agency, or organization has a financial interest (refer to Article 10 of Code of Ethics of the JSRT).
- Please disclose conflicts of interest within your PowerPoint and CyPos presentation materials.
- In the case you are the presenting author on an accepted abstract and you cannot attend the conference, instead of withdrawing, please select a co-author to present the abstract in your place. You must choose at least one substitute presenter for you.
Presenting Author
The author’s name should be written completely, avoiding any abbreviation.
First name and middle initial followed by last/surname. Membership No.
Please enter your 7-digit membership number which starts with “00”.
Non-members (Including Supporting members), Now applying for membership.
Please leave the text box blank.
Please limit your institution and affiliation to 33 words or less. The institution and affiliation of the presenting author should be written completely, avoiding any abbreviation.
(ex.) The Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
The presenting author’s address should be written completely, avoiding any abbreviation. Country, Address, Postal/Zip Code, Telephone Number, Extension (if any).
E-mail address
A confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address automatically when you complete submission.
If you do not receive a confirmation email from us within 24 hours, please contact Japan Radiology Congress.
Membership No.
Members: Please enter your 7-digit membership number, which starts with “00”.
Non-members (Including Supporting members), Now applying for membership
Please leave the text box blank.
- In the case that the co-authors’ institution is different from the presenting author’s, enter the names of those institutions in the box.
- Then input other authors’ names and select the numbers that indicate the institutions you list in the box.
- Please limit the co-author’s institution and affiliation to 33 words or less.
Alternative Presenter
- In the case the registered presenter is unable to attend the meeting, one of the co-author(s) is required to be a presenter instead.
- Please select at least one co-author as the alternative presenter.
- Withdrawal after January 24, 2018 or no-show to the conference in Yokohama is subject to a penalty applied to acceptance for future meetings, and your content may not be published in the proceedings and the meeting program of the 74th Annual Scientific Congress of the JSRT.
Research Details
Research Category
Abstract & Research Category
Presentation Type:
The program committee will decide whether to accept papers and the appropriate presentation type. There are two presentation types; Oral presentation and monitor presentation.
The oral presentation is a general presentation. The presenter has 7 minutes to talk and 3 minutes for discussion.
The monitor presentation is a presentation using your electric poster. The presenter stands beside the monitor on which his/her electric poster (CyPos) appears and discusses the research with interested attendees in the monitor presentation session. The monitor presentation session is for 30 minutes.
Research Category:
Please select a group, a subspecialty, a modality and an organ for your paper. The information is used for an effective and appropriate review process.
Title of Abstract
Please limit your title to 30 words or less.
(ex.) Molecular mechanism of cardiac hypertrophy induced by hypertension
Do NOT include company name(s), brand name(s), and specific name(s) particularly related to a company.
You’re NOT supposed to list your titles as a series, such as 1st report, 2nd report.
Avoid using abbreviations except “Examples of abbreviations acceptable for the paper title” below.
Examples of abbreviations acceptable for the paper title
Abbreviations which are not included in the PDF document as of October 20, 2012 is must be changed to acceptable expressions or spelled out fully.
Abstract Body and A Novelty of Research Statement: Details
Type your abstract in the box below. We recommend that you write your abstract using word processing software (e.g., MS-word, etc.) then paste it into the box.
If you want to include symbols and Greek letters, click and check the “Details” page linked above for instructions on using special characters.
The abstract is limited to 320 words, and should be constructed using the following section heads: Purpose, Methods and Results.
A Novelty of research statement, not exceeding 200 words, is also required for the review process.
The novelty statement will be used only in the review process, and will not be shown in the proceedings. Please do not use abbreviations without spelling out words in full on first occurrence.
You do not need to include an ethical research statement in the abstract, because it will be asked about in the following steps.
Keywords (five or less) are also required for categorizing the submitted papers.
A Novelty of Research Statement
A Novelty of Research Statement is limited to 200 words.
Do NOT enter the title in the novelty of research statement.
Do NOT put your name and affiliation in the novelty of research statement.
Do NOT use abbreviations without spelling out words in full on first occurrence.
Questionnaire about research ethics
In recognition of ethical issues related to the use of radiation and medication, and/or the causing of mental/material suffering to patients, volunteers, and colleagues, the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology has formulated a set of ethical principles and professional responsibilities to guide researchers’ conduct in their relationships with patients, volunteers, and colleagues.
Please read JSRT Code of Ethics and answer to following questionnaires about research ethics of your study.
If your research includes clinical data (image data, vital information, and private information), volunteers, no papers will be accepted without the approval of IRB.
Conflict of Interest
All authors are required to disclose conflicts of interest prior to the submission of papers on subject matter of which a company, public agency, or organization has a financial interest (refer to Article 10 of Code of Ethics of the JSRT). Please disclose conflicts of interest within your PowerPoint and CyPos presentation materials.
Regulations on withdrawal of abstract
It is the responsibility of the corresponding first author to complete his/her own presentation.
Any first author who cannot complete a presentation due to unavoidable reasons must inform the secretariat in advance.
The co-author should respond instead of the presenters.
If not, Japanese Society of Radiological Technology will not accept your application for presentation at the Congress for one year.
Please answer the following questions.
- Create your View/Update Password.The password is case sensitive and must be between 6-8 characters.You need this password to view or edit your abstract.
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
- A confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address automatically when you complete submission.All abstracts submitted for the 74th Annual Scientific Congress of the JSRT are subject to peer review within the program committee after the abstract submission deadline.The Committee’s decision will be sent to you by email.
Contact (Online Registration Inquires)
For any further information about abstract submissions, please contact us by email.