Schedule for Speakers

Abstract Submission ( August 31 – 12 noon (JST) October 12, 2012 )
Abstract submission is now closed.
Thanks to those of you who have submitted abstracts.

Acceptance Notification
( No later than January 10, 2013 )

Electric poster (CyPos) Submission
( February 5 – 12 noon, March 8, 2013 (JST) )

Oral Presentation Slide Submission
( March 11 – 12 noon, April 5, 2013 (JST) )

Presentation in Pacifico Yokohama ( April 11-14, 2013 )

Q/A Room

Conference Room

    7 minutes presentation followed by 3 minutes for questions and answer discussion
As of 22 August 2012.
Information in this contents is subject to change without notice.
Please visit JSRT-website or The 69th Annual Meeting Congress website (this site) for current information.